Monday, November 3, 2008

Understanding Nationality ..

There are many definitions of Nationality, somehow none of the definition could satisfy me. You need a definition when you are trying to solve a complex problem. While studying the problem you need to classify, categirize, specify different parts and/ or elements of the problem, and that is where definition helps in understanding the problem.

Nationality is a collective identity with strongest sense of belongingness and strongly associated with geographical area. Collective sense of belongingness have four components a. Language, b. Religion, c. Shared Past and d. Ethnicity.
Language is by far the strongest component of the four, followed be religion and shared past, while the ethnicity is the weakest component.

In India, while saying "Unity in diversity" we have been neglecting the important components of sense of belongingness. Our constitutional members never could understand meaning of Nationality and equated it with Citizenship which is a legal arrangement and has no weight on sense of belongingness.

If there is anything as Indian Nationality and Indian sense of belongingness, its strongest component is Hindu religion. And secularists have been weakening Indian nationality by continuously attacking Hindu Religion. Without cement of Hindu religion India is going to fall apart sooner or later. Without Hindu Religion what remains is legal citizenship without sense of belongingness.

It is very clear that India has number of different Nationalities strongly dependant on the State languages. That is why when Indians settle in foreign countries, they form associations based on their morther tongue, and have more family participation indicating closer ties and stronger sense of belongingness. Whereas all India association are more like business associations and lack close family affinity compared to that is enjoyed by State associations. It is very important to understand, accept and recognize that India is a multinational country to properly managing sense of belongingness of Indian Citizens.

Current developments and developments in Maharashtra should be seen in the light of the sense of belongingness..

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